Intervention Meeting

Why Intervention?

Oftentimes when we have a family member or someone who is important in our lives, that is struggling with substance use disorders or negatively impactful behaviors, we are at a loss as to how we can help them.  Please remember the best way you can help your loved one, is love them, and offer services of professionals.  

Our Approach to Interventions

We at Merciful Recovery Services believe everyone not only has the right, but also deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.  When we do interventions, we lead with love, meet with the family/concerned persons first, then invite the one who may be struggling into the conversation.  We will put together options that we believe are clinically the most appropriate course of action to help your loved one. However, we strongly believe in autonomy, if someone is forced to do something they don’t truly want to do, it typically doesn’t last.

We prefer to work with the one struggling, to see if they believe their life has become unmanageable due to their use.  Is their life where they want it to be?  Are there certain things they’d like to change?  Have they tried to make changes before, yet they were sustained changes?  What are they willing to do to make the changes? 



We’re here to help.